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Study of t-Channel Production of Scalar Leptoquarks at LHCb and Central Acceptance Detector

Worked as an intern at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) through the University of Michigan CERN REU program. Used MadGraph5 Monte Carlo simulation software and python to generate, analyze, and visualize data for phenomenological study on scalar leptoquarks. Studied the scalar leptoquark theory and their current research significance, and studied what the expected signal at the LHCb (forward acceptance) and a Central Acceptance detector would look like for five different scalar leptoquark representations. Also used multiple ML classifier techniques to explore further increasing signal/background separation.


Understanding NuMI Beam Position with a ML Technique

Worked as an intern at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory for the 2022 summer studying the NuMI beamline. Learned how to use the Linux OS, programming in Python, and machine learning techniques to analyze data collected from the Beam Position Monitor (BPM) system, the Muon Monitors, and the Multi-Wire sensor to find correlations and build models that made highly accurate predictions. 


COMAP Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM)

Competed with two other students in the 2022 COMAP MCM international competition. Modeled carbon sequestration in forests based on several parameters, built decision matrix method for forest management, wrote detailed paper explaining our methodology and results. Awarded an Honorable Mention prize. Competed again in 2023 and used machine learning multiple linear regression algorithm to model light pollution risk of several types of locations and created risk analysis function to determine best course(s) of action. Awarded a Finalist and Mathematical Association of America prize.


Appropriate and Sustainable Engineering Hydroelectric, Wind Power Projects

Created PVC manifold with team to study the effects of different nozzle diameters on small hydroelectric generator. Compared predicted power outputs, graphed in Excel, with measured data from the generator. Worked on wind turbine assemblies and tested them on Whidbey Island, WA.

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Senior Design: Automated Bridge Vibration Experiment (ABVE)

Worked on interdisciplinary team of two electrical engineers and one other mechanical engineer to brainstorm idea for, design, and build the ABVE educational tool. Using the ABVE, students can build truss and suspension bridges, measure the forces in the members, and use speakers and a fan to explore the resonant frequencies of the structure.

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