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Research Experience


NSF Spatial Justice in Physics Teaching and Learning Researcher

  • Attended workshops on critical race theory and spatial theories of education. Applied these theoretical frameworks to analysis of video data of classroom interaction in introductory physics classes to interpret the interactions and find theoretical and instructional significance.

  • Participated in NSF Advisory Board meeting and spoke on research experiences.

  • Final products will include working with an artist on an artistic representation of findings as well as writing an academic article.

Summer 2023

CERN Summer Student

  • Performed phenomenological study on t-channel production of scalar leptoquarks, generating data from Monte Carlo simulations (MadGraph5 software)

  • Wrote python scripts to clean, analyze, calculate significance, and visualize the data. Also used a Histogram Gradient Boosting Classifier and created a neural network to test possibility of further increasing signal/background separation.

  • Created and presented scientific poster, slideshow, and paper at the 2023 Summer Student poster session, LHCb collaboration meeting, and UM-REU presentation session.

Summer 2022

SIST Intern

  • Built multiple machine learning algorithms in Python to analyze the NuMI Beamline performance based on several variables at the Fermilab accelerator complex.

  • Analyzed large data sets taken from the beam monitoring systems to find correlations.

  • Created and presented scientific poster and paper at the 2022 SIST/GEM fellows conference. Also invited to and presented findings at the Target Systems Development August Topical Meeting at Fermilab, and at the January 2023 Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics (CUWiP) hosted at the University of Washington.

Teaching Experience

Fall 2021 - Present

Physics Learning Assistant (LA)

  • Help teach Newtonian physics to students with varied backgrounds and learning styles.

  • Host weekly tutoring sessions, attended weekly prep meetings, and provided insightful, constructive feedback on graded assignments.

  • Trained in learning styles, communication styles, and how to ask questions that cause students to think critically.

Summer 2022

CAD Summer Camp Instructor

  • Brainstormed idea for, created curriculum, and solely taught the first-ever CAD summer camp at Seattle Pacific University to teach 3-D modeling to high school students, especially those participating in FIRST robotics.

  • Worked with department head to advertise and finance the program.

  • Created feedback survey for camp participants to reflect on the course, and over eighty percent of respondents reported that the camp was well-organized, that the instructor employed effective teaching strategies, and all respondents said that camp participation increased their interest in STEM fields.


Expected Graduation June 2024

Seattle Pacific University | Bachelor's Degree

In progress: B.S. in Mechanical Engineering, B.S. in Physics, B.A. in Honors Liberal Arts




& Expertise

  • Hands-on experience with solving science and engineering problems through FIRST robotics, COMAP MCM, and CERN, Fermilab, and NSF grant research experiences

  • Exceptional academic record in accredited Mechanical Engineering program, as well as in rigorous Honors Liberal Arts program and Physics program.

  • Experience with programming in Python, C++, and Java and building machine learning algorithms, SolidWorks 2020 CAD and LabVIEW software. Also experienced with Linux, Windows OS

  • Meaningful leadership experience within STEM and the broader community through student government experience

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